Status Status Status



Create a Text Area and style as required. o Add Special Name of htmlblocktext. o Add Name (ID/Anchor) of statusText. o For this demonstrator only, select the Text Area and press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+A and pick your status.txt file, containing your message. Create a button. o Add Special Name of UsesJQuery. o Add Link of javascript: void $('#statusText').load('index_htm_files/status.txt'); Test ========================================================================= You would not normally bind the status.txt file to the Xara design file. The whole purpose is to be able to solely change the status.txt file, independent of the Xara design file. I recommend FTP to the root folder so the red parts above can be removed. The status.txt file can be published anywhere. I decided against a timer approach to avoid all the error cases required. I am quite pleased with the one-liner call.