Unpack, Blender .OBJ, .MTL and texture images along with
checker.png to the same level in one folder.
Ensure .OBJ & .MTL filenames are the same with no spaces.
Note this name; we'll call it <name>.
Create a .XAR file as <name>.xar.
Create a support folder with name, <name>_xar_files.
Copy the unpacked Blender files into this folder.
Ensure the THREE Placeholder appear once in your design.
Create a CANVAS Placeholder and put the following code into its
<canvas style='width: 100%; height: 100%; display:
var name = '<name>';
document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0].id = name;
Place a copy of the SCENE Placeholder with the CANVAS
Only every have one SCENE Placeholder and one CANVAS
Placeholder on a given page.
You should never have to alter THREE or THREE.
You should only have to open CANVAS Placeholder.
to change the var name (change <name>) to match your
.OBJ/.MTL/.XAR files.